DUIP is currently taking payments via money orders, cashiers checks, traveler’s checks, credit cards and online.
Click below for the DUIP Participant on-line payment option. DUI Participants have the option for on-line payments through the web-based system.
If you are newly enrolling or on suspension, please do not use this payment method. Contact the DUI Program Cashier at 858-467-6810 ext 138.
Financial Arrangements: The goal of our program is to assist every participant in
completing his or her program. Anyone having difficulty meeting their program financial obligations, are encouraged to request a Financial Assessment Interview (FAI) as soon as possible. To schedule a (FAI), call (858) 467-6810, extension 117 and submit FAI documentation. For list of documentation refer to FAI instructions.
Financial Assessment Interview (FAI) Form
SDSU DUI Program fees are established by the San Diego County Department of Alcohol and Drug Services and authorized by the California Department of Health Care Services. The fees cover operational expenses and salaries. A percentage of the enrollment fee is paid to the County of San Diego County and the State of California for program monitoring.